UPSC-CSE | Sociology Mains Syllabus New | Paper 1 & 2 |

CSE Mains Medical Science | New Syllabus | Paper 1 & 2 |

UPSC-CSE Sociology Mains Syllabus Paper – I [ FUNDAMENTALS OF SOCIOLOGY ] 1. Sociology – The Discipline: (a) Modernity and social changes in Europe and emergence of sociology.(b) Scope of the subject and comparison with other social sciences.(c) Sociology and common sense. 2. Sociology as Science:(a) Science, scientific method and critique.(b) Major theoretical strands of research … Read more

UPSC-CSE | Psychology Mains Syllabus New | Paper 1 & 2 |

CSE Mains Medical Science | New Syllabus | Paper 1 & 2 |

Psychology Paper – I [ Foundations of Psychology ] 1. Introduction: Definition of Psychology; Historical antecedents of Psychology and trends in the 21st century; Psychology and scientific methods; Psychology in relation to other social sciences and natural sciences; Application of Psychology to societal problems. 2. Methods of Psychology: Types of research: Descriptive, evaluative, diagnostic and prognostic; Methods … Read more

UPSC-CSE | Political Science & International Relations Mains Syllabus | Paper 1 & 2 |

CSE Mains Medical Science | New Syllabus | Paper 1 & 2 |

Political Science & International Relations Mains Syllabus | Paper 1 & 2 Paper – I [ Political Theory and Indian Politics ] 1. Political Theory: meaning and approaches. 2. Theories of the State: Liberal, Neoliberal, Marxist, Pluralist, Post-colonial and feminist. 3. Justice: Conceptions of justice with special reference to Rawl’s theory of justice and its … Read more

UPSC-CSE | Physics Mains Syllabus New | Paper 1 & 2 |

CSE Mains Medical Science | New Syllabus | Paper 1 & 2 |

Paper – I: Physics Syllabus 1. (a) Mechanics of Particles: Laws of motion; conservation of energy and momentum, applications to rotating frames, centripetal and Coriolis accelerations; Motion under a central force; Conservation of angular momentum, Kepler’s laws; Fields and potentials; Gravitational field  and potential due to spherical bodies, Gauss and Poisson equations, gravitational self-energy; Two-body problem; … Read more

UPSC-CSE | Philosophy Mains Syllabus New | Paper 1 & 2 |

CSE Mains Medical Science | New Syllabus | Paper 1 & 2 |

Philosophy Paper – I History and Problems of Philosophy: 1. Plato and Aristotle: Ideas; Substance; Form and Matter; Causation; Actuality and Potentiality. 2. Rationalism (Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz): Cartesian Method and Certain Knowledge; Substance; God; Mind-Body Dualism; Determinism and Freedom. 3. Empiricism (Locke, Berkeley, Hume): Theory of Knowledge; Substance and Qualities; Self and God; Scepticism. 4. Kant: Possibility of Synthetic … Read more

UPSC-CSE | Agriculture Mains Syllabus New | Paper 1 and 2

CSE Mains Medical Science | New Syllabus | Paper 1 & 2 |

Hello aspirants in this blogpost I am going to discuss about Agriculture Mains Syllabus for UPSC-CSE/IFoS for both paper 1 and paper 2. Agriculture Mains Syllabus- Paper I UNIT-1 ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE UNIT-2 AGRONOMY UNIT-3 FORESTRY UNIT-4 WEED SCIENCE UNIT-5 SOIL AND NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT UNIT-6 SOIL WATER CONSERVATION UNIT-7 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS UNIT-8 AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION … Read more

UPSC-CSE | Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Mains Syllabus | Paper 1 & 2 |

CSE Mains Medical Science | New Syllabus | Paper 1 & 2 |

Paper – I [ Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science ] 1. Animal Nutrition 1.1 Partitioning of food energy within the animal. Direct and indirect calorimetry. Carbon – nitrogen balance and comparative slaughter methods. Systems for expressing energy value of foods in ruminants, pigs and poultry. Energy requirements for maintenance, growth, pregnancy, lactation, egg, wool, and meat production. 1.2 Latest … Read more

UPSC-CSE | Chemistry Mains Syllabus New | Paper 1 & 2 |

CSE Mains Medical Science | New Syllabus | Paper 1 & 2 |

Chemistry Syllabus: Paper – I 1. Atomic Structure: Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, Schrodinger wave equation (time independent); Interpretation of wave function, particle in one-dimensional box, quantum numbers, hydrogen atom wave functions; Shapes of s, p and d orbitals. 2. Chemical Bonding: Ionic bond, characteristics of ionic compounds, lattice energy, Born-Haber cycle; covalent bond and its general … Read more

UPSC-CSE | Civil Engineering Mains Syllabus New | Paper 1 & 2 |

CSE Mains Medical Science | New Syllabus | Paper 1 & 2 |

Paper – I [Civil Engineering Syllabus] 1. Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials, and Structural Analysis: 1.1 Engineering Mechanics: Units and Dimensions, SI Units, Vectors, Concept of Force, Concept of particle and rigid body. Concurrent, Non-Concurrent and parallel forces in a plane, moment of force, free body diagram, conditions of equilibrium, Principle of virtual work, equivalent … Read more

UPSC-CSE | Commerce and Accountancy Mains Syllabus New | Paper 1 & 2 |

CSE Mains Medical Science | New Syllabus | Paper 1 & 2 |

Commerce and Accountancy Syllabus Paper – I: [Accounting and Finance]  Accounting, Taxation & Auditing 1. Financial Accounting: Accounting as a Financial Information Sys-tem; Impact of Behavioural Sciences. Ac-counting Standards e.g., Accounting for Depreciation, Inventories, Research and Development Costs, Long-term Construction Contracts, Revenue Recognition, Fixed Assets, Contingencies, Foreign Exchange Transactions, Investments and Government Grants, Cash Flow Statement, Earnings Per Share. Accounting … Read more

UPSC-CSE | Economics Mains Syllabus New | Paper 1 & 2 |

CSE Mains Medical Science | New Syllabus | Paper 1 & 2 |

Economics Syllabus: Paper – I 1. Advanced Micro Economics:  (a) Marshallian and Walrasiam Approaches to Price determination.(b) Alternative Distribution Theories: Ricardo, Kaldor, Kaleeki(c) Markets Structure: Monopolistic Competition, Duopoly, Oligopoly.(d) Modern Welfare Criteria: Pareto Hicks & Scitovsky, Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem, A.K. Sen’s Social Welfare Function. 2. Advanced Macro Economics: Approaches to Employment Income and Interest Rate determination: … Read more

UPSC-CSE | Electrical Engineering Mains Syllabus New | Paper 1 & 2 |

CSE Mains Medical Science | New Syllabus | Paper 1 & 2 |

Electrical Engineering Syllabus Paper – I 1. Circuit Theory: Circuit components; network graphs; KCL, KVL; circuit analysis methods: nodal analysis, mesh analysis; basic network theorems and applications; transient analysis: RL, RC and RLC circuits; sinusoidal steady state analysis; resonant circuits; coupled circuits; balanced 3-phase circuits; Two-port networks. 2. Signals & Systems: Representation of continuous–time and discrete-time signals & … Read more

UPSC-CSE | Geology Mains Syllabus New | Paper 1 & 2 |

CSE Mains Medical Science | New Syllabus | Paper 1 & 2 |

UPSC Civil Services Exam 2020 Syllabus – Geology Geology Syllabus: Paper – I 1. General Geology: The Solar System, Meteorites, Origin and interior of the earth and age of earth; Volcanoes- causes and products, Volcanic belts; Earthquakes-causes, effects, Seismic zones of India; Island arcs, trenches and mid-ocean ridges; Continental drifts; Seafloor spreading, Plate tectonics; Isostasy. 2. … Read more