Fodder: Important 15 Fodder Crops

Fodder and Important Fodder Crops: Any agricultural product used expressly to feed domesticated livestock, such as Cattle (Cow and Buffalo), Rabbits, Sheep, Horses, Chickens, and Pigs, is known as fodder (पशुभोजन). Example – Berseem, Oats, Chinese Cabbage, Maize, Pearlmillet, Sorghum, Hybrid napier, Guinea grass, Para grass etc.

Fodder Meaning

Fodder Meaning in Hindi: चारा, पशुओं का चारा , भूसा, घास, पशुभोजन

Fodder Meaning in English:

  • food, especially dried hay or straw, for cattle and other livestock.
  • coarse food (especially for livestock) composed of entire plants or the leaves and stalks of a cereal crop

Food given to animals (including plants chopped and delivered to them) is referred to as “fodder,” as opposed to food foraged by the animals (called forage).

Hay, straw, silage, compressed and pelleted feeds, oils and mixed rations, and sprouted grains and legumes are all ex. (such as bean sprouts, fresh malt, or spent malt).

The majority of animal feed is made from plants, however some producers add animal-derived components to processed feeds.

Green Fodder

What is Green Fodder?

Green fodder is any feed made from a green crop such as legumes, grasses, cereal grains, or tree-based crops. Green fodders are divided into three categories. Legume crops, cereal crops, and trees are all founded on leguminous crops.

Fodder: Important 15 Fodder Crops

Types of Green Fodder

Green Fodder comes in a variety of green plant forms. These are various sorts used to attain a shared goal using various plants.

  • Legume Fodder: Cowpea, Stylo, Desmanthus, Lucerne.
  • Cereal Fodder: Maize (Corn), Sorghum Fodder – Jowar.
  • Grass Fodder: Hybrid Napier, Guinea Grass, Para Grass, Blue-Buffel Grass.
  • Tree Fodder: Subabul, Sesbania Fodder – Agathi, Gliricidia.
Types of Green Fodder: Important 15 Fodder Crops

Important Fodder Trees

Sr NoCommon / English NameScientific NameCommonly Grown Area’s
1BABULAcacia NiloticaDry and moist tropics
2LALLEIAlbizia amaraDry tropics
3SIRISAlbizia lebbeckMoist and dry tropics
4SAFED SIRISAlbizia proceraWet tropical and subtropical
5ARDUAlianthus excelsaArid and semiarid regions
6NEEMAzadirachta indicaDry and moist tropics
7MAHUABassia latifolia – FlowerSemi arid
8KACHNARBauhinia variegataSub tropics, moist and dry tropics
9SHISHAMDalbergia sissooMoist tropics
10GLIRICIDIAGliricidia sepiumHumid, sub humid
11SUBABOOLLeucaena leucocephalaSub humid, Semiarid
12DRUM STICKMoringa oleiferaMoist tropics, sub humid Humid
13MULBERYMorus albaMoist tropics
14BOLAMorus laevigataSubtropics
15KIKKARProsopis chilensisDry tropics
16KHEJRIProsopis cinereriaArid and semiarid regions
17AGASTHISesbania grandifloraArid and semiarid regions
18SHEVRISesbania sesbanArid and semiarid regions
19BERZiziphus mauritianaDry and moist tropics
Important Trees

Important Fodder Crops

S. L. No.StateFodder Crops
1ANDHRA PRADESHSorghum, Cowpea, Hybrid napier
2BIHAROats, Berseem, Maize, Sorghum
3GUJARATSorghum, Pearlmillet, Hybrid napier, Guinea grass, Lucerne, Oats, Sorghum, Peral millet
4HARYANAPearlmillet, Teosinte, Sorghum, Berseem, Oats, Maize
5KARNATAKAMaize, Sorghum, Cowpea, Guinea Grass, Rhodes Grass, Hybrid napier, Velvetbean
6MADHYA PRADESHOats, Maize, Berseem
7MAHARASHTRAMaize, Sorghum, Lucerne, Hybrid Napier, Oats
8ORISSABerseem, Sorghum
9PUNJABMaize, Berseem, Teosinte, Rye grass, Pearl millet
10RAJASTHANLucerne, Oats, Berseem , Sorghum, Pearl millet, Chinese Cabbage, Clusterbean
11TAMIL NADUSorghum, Hybrid Napier, Cowpea, Guinea grass, Stylosanthes, Maize
12TELENGANAMaize, Sorghum, Oats, Pearlmillet, Cowpea, Lucerne, Stylosanthes, Cenchrus Ciliaris, Rhodes Grass, Guinea Grass, Hybrid Napier
13UTTAR PRADESHBerseem, Oats, Chinese Cabbage, Maize, Pearlmillet, Sorghum, ,Hybrid napier, Guinea grass, Para grass
14UTTARAKHANDBerseem, Oats, Cowpea, Sorghum
15WEST BENGALMaize, Teosinte, Coix, Cowpea, Oats, Rice bean, Hybrid napier

Source: Farmer’s Corner

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is Green Fodder?

Fodder: Important 15 Fodder Crops

Green fodder is any feed made from a green crop such as legumes, grasses, cereal grains, or tree-based crops. Green fodders are divided into three categories. Legume crops, cereal crops, and trees are all founded on leguminous crops.

What is Fodder?

Any agricultural product used expressly to feed domesticated livestock, such as Cattle (Cow and Buffalo), Rabbits, Sheep, Horses, Chickens, and Pigs, is known as fodder (पशुभोजन).